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triple lock zipper package closure
triple lock zipper package closure
dog food package reclosable
mondi pouch reclosable
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triple lock zipper package closure Thumbnail
triple lock zipper package closure Thumbnail
dog food package reclosable Thumbnail
mondi pouch reclosable Thumbnail
Triple-Lock Zippers

2022足球世界杯赛程表时间®Triple-Lock Zippers

All the benefits of our Click ‘N Lock®technology, but with three locks for even more enhanced audible, tactile sensations and extra strong product side holding force.These triple-lock closures convert with easy edge crush and lower sealing for versatility with a wide range of film options, including new recyclable structures.卡塔尔世界杯预选赛时间Consider triple-lock sensory zippers for noticeable differences both consumers and manufacturers will appreciate.

Product Features

  • 100% recyclable as a component in a PE recyclable package
  • Easy open/close
  • Very strong product side holding force for challenging applications
  • Designed to work well on large-format pouch equipment like B&B
  • Easy crushing locks require less heat than comparable closures for sealing which helps protect recyclable films from distorting while allowing faster converting cycles
  • Maintains high integrity seals that won't leak, gap, or distort
  • Enhanced sealant layer adheres easily to sustainable film structure