2022年世界杯英格兰阵容beverage flexible packaging
Markets Beverage

Reclosable Solutions for Beverages

卡塔尔世界杯预选赛时间Innovation is booming in the beverage market as consumers seek health, flavor, and convenience benefits from brands.2022年世界杯英格兰阵容What better way to lead this category and stand out than moving from traditional packaging to reclosable flexible packaging?卡塔尔世界杯预选赛时间Your brand can leverage a sustainable message while looking at potential cost reductions and the product freshness consumers want in a package that breaks through at the shelf.

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particle resistant package closure

Particle-Resistant Closures

Available in a Particle Plow Slider or Particle Resistant Zipper, our proprietary design prevents small particles from becoming trapped in the zipper enabling a reliable open and close use after use.
Learn About Particle-Resistant Closures
click n lock zipper closure for package

Click ‘N Lock®Zippers

With an audible snap and solid touch, Click ‘N Lock® sensory zippers ensure the package is securely closed and the product is stored safe inside.
Learn About Click ‘N Lock®Zippers
Compostable Zipper Product

Compostable Zippers

Industrially compostable and seals beautifully to several compostable films at low temperatures, this single lock zipper is made of 100% compostable resin with easy crushing locks.
Learn About Compostable Zippers
example of a linear tear zipper


卡塔尔世界杯预选赛时间Linear Tear zipper enables consumers to easily remove the hood of a pouch in a clean, straight tear without adding capital investment and space required for laser scoring equipment.

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