Composted dirt design element bubbles
We're Committed to Sustainability

2022年世界杯英格兰阵容Compostable Closures for Flexible Packaging

2022足球世界杯赛程表时间With the rise in demand for compostable packaging as a circular pathway, the Fresh-Lock team is taking the necessary steps to evaluate the entire lifecycle of a package.2022年世界杯英格兰阵容To us, it's important to utilize responsible packaging practices and provide products which can offer end of life options for a positive impact on the environment.

2022年世界杯英格兰阵容We collaborate with our customers, suppliers, and supply chain leaders committed to designing out waste in flexible packaging.This results in the development of new technologies including the use of bio-based plastics to complement recyclable options with compostable alternatives.

What is a Compostable Package?

A compostable package is made of materials that break down under certain conditions, including heat, oxygen, humidity, and the presence of microorganisms.Our compostable closures are made using certified materials, such as vegetable oil, sugar cane, stover, straw, dent corn, and hemp, and have been successfully qualified with bio-based films as a pouch on converting equipment.*
2022年世界杯英格兰阵容Market support of packaging made from these resins allows packagers to utilize renewable resources and produce high performing products designed to be kept out of the landfill, and returned to the soil.
*certification pending on actual closure at time of printing.

Is a Compostable Pouch the Right Package For You?

Compostable materials can perform well with many applications, but are ideal for food based, non-toxic products that don't require high barrier requirements or extra long shelf life.Our team and network of pouch converters can help you decide if compostables would be a good fit for your sustainable package.

Compostability Considerations

Does the product lend itself to compostability?
Will the application have food contact?
Does the product leave residue or make it difficult to clean?
Is the product soil safe?
Is the product a "short shelf life" type of item?

2022足球世界杯赛程表时间The Fresh-Lock team works to ensure each compostable closure is compatible with emerging sustainable film technology while still delivering the ideal consumer experience for reclosable pouches.

Industry Certifications

The most prominent certification body in the the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI), and the primary specification associated with the compostability of a package is ASTM D6400.The BPI is the only third-party verification of ASTM standards for compostable products in North America.2022年世界杯英格兰阵容Its Certification Mark indicates verification of compostability for manufactures and brand owners to use on products and packaging.

2022年世界杯英格兰阵容There are organizations outside of North America that also provide compostable packaging certification.2022年世界杯英格兰阵容TÜV AUSTRIA offers industrial as well as home compost certifications for packaging.

United States

  • B.P.I.– Biodegradable Products Institute (third party)
  • ASTM D6400/D6868– industrial plastic package composting
  • Requirements include 90-day degradation and phytotoxicity

Europe - Industrial

  • TUV Austria– Accreditation services (third party)
  • OK Compost EN 13432– industrial plastic package composting
  • Requirements include 90-day degradation and phytotoxicity

Europe - Home

  • TUV Austria– Accreditation services (third party)
  • OK Compost HOME– Based on several standards
  • Extended time requirements due to home environment