holiday baking prep

2022年世界杯英格兰阵容Why Shoppers Want Resealable Flexible Packaging for the Holidays


卡塔尔世界杯预选赛时间As consumers start to flood stores across America this holiday shopping season, they won't only be looking for gifts.Many people are preparing to do more cooking and baking than any other time of year.

That means it's time to take stock of cupboards and pantries to make sure they have all the necessary ingredients for cookies and pies, homemade candies, cakes made from scratch, and all their family's special holiday recipes.

Sugar, flour, cocoa powder, and many other basic ingredients are often considered commodities.When people run out of these staples, some have a favorite brand they trust while others simply choose the lowest priced option.

2022年世界杯英格兰阵容However, the right kind of packaging could be just what's needed to convince a shopper to switch brands or even pay more than average for these standard items.2022年世界杯英格兰阵容That's because the growth of flexible packaging and consumer expectations are changing the game.

2022足球世界杯直播How Reclosable Packaging Makes a Difference

Since most people don't make baked goods on a regular basis, when the holidays come around, there are bound to be a few unpleasant surprises in the kitchen.

Humidity may have turned a bag of sugar into a rock!that paper sack of flour has gone rancid!and the package of shredded coconut is growing some nasty mold.

Amateur bakers often need to restock on grocery items like that when it's time to put traditional holiday treats in the oven.The pain points of having to go shopping (again) and being forced to throw away food will be fresh in their minds, and keeping thingsfreshwill be exactly what they're looking for.

2022年世界杯英格兰阵容The impressive growth of flexible packaging in recent years is prompting more brands offering consumer packaged goods to reconsider the way their products are packaged.Ingredients like sugar and flour have been sold in the same awkward paper packages for far too long.

Resealable flexible packages, like the standup pouch, can provide longer shelf-life and improved functionality. Adding a track and slider, press-to-close zipper, or closures like spouts and fitments can make the end-user's life a lot easier.

One potential problem with resealable packages for flour and granulated sugar is how the product can get stuck in the track or zipper, making it difficult to close properly.That's why Slide-Rite®developed theParticle Plow Slider.This closure pushes granules and powders out of the way, ensuring a good seal every time.The Particle Plow Slider is the perfect solution for baking ingredients and dry mixes as well as things like baby formula, protein powder, and even pet food.

A resealable flexible package can make ingredients easier to pour when the right design is used.Standup pouches with resealable closures are ideal for storing ingredients and avoiding accidental spills while sitting in a cupboard or drawer until it's time to make Christmas cookies or potato latkes for Hanukkah.

The holidays are stressful enough.卡塔尔世界杯预选赛时间When your product packaging can relieve some of that stress, consumers are bound to see the value being added through choosing resealability.

Suddenly, that commodity on the grocery store shelf becomes something innovative and helpful.

卡塔尔世界杯预选赛时间If you still don't see the value in applying a closure to flexible packages, then consider the fact that consumers are starting to expect it and will actually seek out that benefit in the store.

Industry research卡塔尔世界杯预选赛时间indicates consumers call a reclosable feature one of the top three most useful packaging innovations. Research also shows many consumers are willing topay morefor a product that comes in a resealable package.

2022年世界杯英格兰阵容If it's time for your organization to reconsider packaging options,contact us today.Find out how Slide-Rite®2022足球世界杯赛程表时间and Fresh-Lock®2022年世界杯英格兰阵容closure systems for flexible packagingcan add value to your brand.

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