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2022年世界杯英格兰阵容Helping Reduce Waste with Frozen Food Packaging


According to theNational Resources Defense Council(NRDC), approximately $165 billion worth of food gets tossed each year due to passing expiration dates and loss of freshness.By 2030,Boston Consulting Group estimatesthat annual food loss and waste will hit $1.5 trillion.卡塔尔世界杯预选赛时间Meanwhile, consumers look for ways to manage their food supplies and reduce waste however they can.

A2017 surveyfound that frozen food purchases were on the rise, citing that 32% of shoppers were expecting to purchase more frozen food because it doesn't spoil as quickly as fresh food, helping them save money and reduce waste.Unfortunately, saving and waste reduction isn't a guarantee when buying frozen foods.

2022年世界杯英格兰阵容With frozen food, waste is based largely on faulty or insufficiently sealed packaging.Regardless of the expiration date, exposure to the elements inside a freezer can negatively affect food.卡塔尔世界杯预选赛时间Closure failure, closure uncertainty, and resulting freezer burn often cause consumers to toss exposed food!2022年世界杯英格兰阵容waste which could be eliminated with more reliable frozen food packaging closures.卡塔尔世界杯预选赛时间For consumers, wasting food equals money lost.And when looking at the global impact of food waste, the dollar amount is growing substantially.While this increasing amount of waste seems daunting, those within the food supply chain can help reduce it.

The BCG study states, "Companies that play a major role in the food value chain, in particular, can be catalysts for change." For frozen food packagers, using more reliable closures can help.2022年世界杯英格兰阵容In conjunction with flexible packaging, the following options are a win-win for food waste reduction and consumer benefit.

Closures for Food Waste Reduction

The2022足球世界杯赛程表时间®ergonomic slider卡塔尔世界杯预选赛时间allows consumers to easily roll out excess air and simply slide the package shut, keeping moisture out and freshness in.卡塔尔世界杯预选赛时间Moving the ergonomic slider ensures that the package is closed, so consumers feel confident after each use.2022年世界杯英格兰阵容Plus, the smooth design reduces film dimpling, making it a smart option for packagers looking for consistency and reliability for hooded flexible packaging.

If a zipper closure is preferred, broad-field zippers like the2022足球世界杯赛程表时间®double zipperwon't unseal when stored in freezing temperatures.卡塔尔世界杯预选赛时间Consumers also appreciate the enhanced tactile feedback of zipper closures, letting them know that they've closed the package after each use.Our proprietary Soft Seal®卡塔尔世界杯预选赛时间material minimizes end seal leaks and uses less crushing energy making these zippers a trusted option for both packagers and consumers.

Areport from the American Frozen Food Institute(AFFI) and the Food Marketing Institute (FMI), found frozen food sales to be almost $57 billion annually.卡塔尔世界杯预选赛时间When it comes to waste and those purchases, consumers are understandably concerned, as every package tossed is money lost.卡塔尔世界杯预选赛时间As a frozen food packager, you can help consumers waste less money, build brand loyalty, and take part in helping the overall global food waste reduction by using more reliable closures.

2022年世界杯英格兰阵容Build Brand Reliability with your Flexible Packaging

2022年世界杯英格兰阵容If your brand is looking to build reliability and reduce waste with your frozen food packaging,contact usto discuss the best option for your needs.Together, we'll help save your customers money and reduce the global waste impact.

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